Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Option #4: Donate
Sunday, November 16, 2008
*Option #3: Become an ACTIVIST
Perhaps one of the oldest methods of activism, protesting serves as the most public and emotionally contagious way of spreading awareness for a given cause. Since putting an end to the Taiji drive hunts is a worldwide movement, protests are organized annually in all major cities around the world. If you feel strongly enough about this cause, then make a sign, collaborate with others, and protest against the dolphin massacre.2. Get Friends and Family Involved
If you haven't already spread awareness of this atrocity to your friends and family members, I suggest you share this blog with them immediately. Friends and family are great people to get involved since they are usually supportive of issues that are most important to you. If your passionately contagious attitude isn't enough to get them behind the movement, then the writings and videos on this blog will definitely change their minds. To be honest though, I haven't showed one person this video that didn't immediately feel the urge to do something about this atrocity afterward.3. Risk It All for Reward
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is offering a $10,000 cash reward for the person or persons who can best document the annual slaughter of dolphins and small cetaceans in Taiji, Japan. Due to increasing access restrictions by the Taiji government, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is looking to motivate Japanese citizens to intervene and capture footage of the slaughter. The cash prize goes to the person who captures the most graphic images of the hunt. The photos and/or videos will be utilized by the Society to further expose the annual dolphin massacre.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Option #2: Sign the Petition
Seashepherd.org has organized an enormous online petition that includes signatures from supporters around the world. This petition will be presented to the Japanese Prime Minister, the Japanese Minster of Fisheries, as well as Japanese embassies and consulates around the world.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Option #1: Write to a Government Official
SAMPLE LETTER I am outraged by the annual brutal slaughter of dolphins and whales that takes place in Japan. The images of bloody red water clearly show the world that Japan has little respect for the state of the world’s oceans and for the conservation of the marine resources it claims to support. Many scientific studies show that the oceans are in decline. We must take whatever actions are necessary to stop their over-exploitation and to protect the creatures that live in them. These dolphins do not belong to Japan. The status of the species of dolphins and whales that you kill are either endangered, threatened, or unknown. It is an unthinkable waste that they will likely end up as a meat product or deceptively sold as whale meat, polluted with toxic levels of mercury and cadmium, killing people that eat it. It is tragic and unacceptable that the remaining dolphins that are not killed will end up destined for death in an aquarium, water park, or "swim with dolphins" program. In addition, the methods used to kill these animals are cruel. Corralling the dolphins into bays, then making them suffer a long and painful death by spears, hooks, and drowning is an inhumane way of fishing. This action is disgraceful and has caused much disappointment in the international community. We demand that Japan permanently and immediately renounce and stop this slaughter. We will work diligently to bring this issue to international light until you have ceased your reprehensible violence. Sincerely,
Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda
1-6-1 Nagata-cho 1 Chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100-8968 JAPAN
Fax: +81.3.5511.8855
E-mail form:
1-2-1 Ksumigaseki 1 Chrome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo. 100-8907 JAPAN
Tel:+81-3-5510-3303 (direct) or 3-3502-8111
Fax: +81-3-3502-8220 or +81-3-3502-0794
E-mail: sinsei01densi@nm.maff.go.jp
E-mail form: http://www.voice.maff.go.jp/maff-interactive/people/ShowWebFormAction.do?FORM_NO=5
3167-7 Taiji
Wakayama, 649-5171 Japan
Tel: +81.735.59.3517
Fax: +81 735 59 3018
Mr. Yoshiki Kimura
Prefectural Office of Wakayama
1-1 Komatsubaradouri, Wakayama-shi
Wakayama-ken, 640-8269 Japan
Tel: +81-73-441-2034
Public comment lines: +81-73-441-2028
Fax: +81-73-431-0462
E-mail: e0006001@pref.wakayama.lg.jp
Kawase, Yoshino and Tokura
Tel: +81-3-3502-8111 ext. 7057 and 7058
OR: +81-3-3591-5613 ( direct)
E-mail: sui_hyoka@nm.maff.go.jp
Ambassador Ryozo Kato
2520 Massachusetts Ave., N.W.
Washington D.C. 20008-2869
Tel: (202) 238-6700,
Fax: 202-328-2187
Hours: M-F 9:15-12:30 and 2:00-6:16
E-mail: jicc@embjapan.org
visit: http://www.us.emb-japan.go.jp/jicc/consulat.htm
or http://www.mofa.go.jp/about/emb_cons/mofaserv.html
*What Can YOU Do to Get Involved?
Monday, November 10, 2008
Danger: Falling Rocks and Failing Cover Ups
There are some who have called us "terrorists" for saving dolphins here. If we are terrorists for believing that life is more important than property, than what terms does one reserve for those who take life, threaten life, and engage in the wholesale slaughter of innocent life? One must ask her/himself: "What drives someone to the point where s/he feels it necessary to jump into cold waters to save a pod of dolphins?" That pod of dolphins four days ago would have been butchered (except for those that were to be sold into captivity) and the local government, police, and whalers have made it impossible for us to document the slaughter and to educate the public about the massacres of Taiji. We were left no alternative as the Taiji Town Office and local police made it illegal to climb rocks and hillsides, walk near a pod of penned dolphins after 5:30pm, say out overnight in the hills, or go anywhere within eyesight of the blockaded cove as there was a "danger" of "falling rocks" that was only present when a pod was driven in.
The bogus new laws of Taiji and their "Danger: Falling Rocks, No Trespassing" signs are nothing more than a smokescreen for the bloody slaughter that occurs behind those signs and obstructions. Clearly there was no danger of falling rocks, but like their "culture" argument, it is an attempt at a baseless defense for brutality that has no legitimate defense in the 21st century. The fact of the matter is that the dolphin drives of Taiji are big business for a handful of men, and the biggest profit comes not from dolphin and whale meat, but from the live dolphins that are sold into captivity. If aquariums and "swimming with the dolphins" operations are a part of Japanese "culture," than I might stand corrected. But first show me the Kanji scrolls.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
True Activism from the Sea Shepherds
Thursday, November 6, 2008
*WAZA and JAZA: Violating National Treaties
- The World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA)
- The Japanese Association of Zoos and Aquariums (JAZA)
The continued existence of zoological parks and aquariums depends upon recognition thatour profession is based on respect or the dignity of the animals in our care." Furthermore, WAZA officially opposes what it refers to as "Cruel and non-selective methods of taking animals from the wild.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
*Ric O'Barry - The Man Behind Flipper
I captured about 100 dolphins myself, back in the 1960s, including the five that played Flipper. I was the highest-paid animal trainer in the world. If I wanted I could set up one of these dolphin training programs and make 3-4 million dollars a year. I changed when Flipper died in my arms from suicide. I use that word with some trepidation but I don’t know another word that describes self-induced asphyxiation. Dolphins and other whales are not automatic breathers. Every breath that they take is a conscious effort, which is why they don’t sleep. If life becomes miserable, they just don’t take the next breath. Flipper looked me in the eye and stopped breathing.
Now, O'Barry is one of the world's best known environmentalists, traveling to Japan at least once a year to try and film the massacre. He has stood his ground alone against threats from the Japanese government and held protests in front of Japanese embassies around the world.
Monday, November 3, 2008
*The Trifecta of Evil
If the Taiji Dolphin Massacre wasn't immoral enough for any of you, I present yet another reason why this atrocity must be put to an end. But first, a recap of what's wrong with this situation...
- The fishermen of Taiji are killing tens of thousands of dolphins not for food, but as a form of pest control
- The mercury level in the meat is highly toxic, and unfit for human consumption. However, it's still being fed to the Japanese people.
- Parts of the dolphin captivity industry in Japan, with their waterparks, aquariums, and "swim with the dolphins" work in partnership with the butchers in Taiji, supporting them with large sums of money for live dolphins
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Spreading Awareness
The Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS) presents its first documentary film, The Rising, an examination of our oceans and our hearts. An annual dolphin massacre in a secret cove in Taiji, Japan suggests a microcosm of a larger picture, man’s disregard for life. The theme broadens – coal-burning facilities multiply across the planet, leading to high mercury levels in seafood, man’s primary source of protein.
Louie Psihoyos, recognized as one of the world’s most prominent still photographers, debuts his filmmaking talents in this feature-length documentary film about the oceans. Through photography, he has established himself as one of the most prolific and profound visionaries and social observers. He has circled the globe dozens of times for National Geographic Magazine on photographic missions for 18 years. His imagination, wit, and iconic imagery guide viewers through complex issues.
Throughout history, we have stories of dolphins saving humans. In Ancient Greece, it was a crime punishable by death to harm them. With this film OPS hopes to save dolphins, and ultimately…ourselves.
Mass Slaughter In the U.S.
- The slaughterhouses in the U.S. are a completely separate issue, and not the purpose of this blog.
- Even so, the animals in the U.S. die much quicker deaths, and thus suffer less.
- These animals are safe to eat, and we eat them as a primary food source. The same cannot be said for the Taiji dolphins.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
*What Right Do We Have...
*Violating the Constitution
"The Japanese people have no right to know about the dolphin slaughter. It is none of their business."This is absolutely ludicrous. They have every right to know.
Friday, October 10, 2008
*The New Minamata
Help make a difference. Write a short, respectful letter to Ms. Seiko Noda, Japan's Minister of Consumer Affairs, Food Safety, and Science and Technology, and ask for her cooperation with this issue. Her email address is: seiko@noda-seiko.gr.jp
Make sure to CC The World Health Organization as well.
Dr. Maria NEIRA, Director
Department of Public Health and Environment
World Health Organization
Email: neiram@who.int
Celebrity Wonder-Girl Takes a Stand
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Can I Please Have a Side of Dolphin With My Mercury?
Looks tasty doesn't it?
Hopefully the last post helped you to see why this massacre is such an outrage... It's not about food!
If it got you fired up... then good. But that's only half the issue.
Interestingly enough, the next reason correlates with the first.
We confirmed and established that the dolphins weren't being killed for food. However, the fishermen of Taiji realized that they would have no reason to kill dolphins if they weren't doing anything with the dead carcasses, so they came up with a brilliant solution... start eating them!
I use that phrase loosely. The wording should be more like, "Start selling the meat to the Japanese school systems!"
That's exactly what they started doing.
If only the kid's knew what they were eating... and if only the parents knew the effect this would have on their children.
We'll go more into depth on this issue with scientific findings and history lessons in the next post.
Happy Fishing!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
*Let's Clear a Few Things Up
Thursday, September 25, 2008
*How could this happen...
The man who we are targeting is the Prime Minister of Japan, Mr. Shinzo Abe. Through an enormous online petition, we seek to outlaw the killing of dolphins, and as a first step, to require the Japanese government to put warning labels on dolphin meat, informing Japanese citizens of the dangerous levels of mercury that the meat contains.