Thursday, October 9, 2008

Can I Please Have a Side of Dolphin With My Mercury?

Looks tasty doesn't it?

Hopefully the last post helped you to see why this massacre is such an outrage... It's not about food!

If it got you fired up... then good. But that's only half the issue.

Interestingly enough, the next reason correlates with the first.

We confirmed and established that the dolphins weren't being killed for food. However, the fishermen of Taiji realized that they would have no reason to kill dolphins if they weren't doing anything with the dead carcasses, so they came up with a brilliant solution... start eating them!

I use that phrase loosely. The wording should be more like, "Start selling the meat to the Japanese school systems!"

That's exactly what they started doing.

If only the kid's knew what they were eating... and if only the parents knew the effect this would have on their children.

We'll go more into depth on this issue with scientific findings and history lessons in the next post.

Happy Fishing!

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