Monday, November 3, 2008

*The Trifecta of Evil

If the Taiji Dolphin Massacre wasn't immoral enough for any of you, I present yet another reason why this atrocity must be put to an end. But first, a recap of what's wrong with this situation...
  1. The fishermen of Taiji are killing tens of thousands of dolphins not for food, but as a form of pest control
  2. The mercury level in the meat is highly toxic, and unfit for human consumption. However, it's still being fed to the Japanese people. 
Here's another factor to consider:

  • Parts of the dolphin captivity industry in Japan, with their waterparks, aquariums, and "swim with the dolphins" work in partnership with the butchers in Taiji, supporting them with large sums of money for live dolphins

The truth of the matter is, dolphin captivity is a multi-billion dollar business, one that is solely responsible for fueling the drive hunts in Taiji, Japan. What's crazy is that five of the dolphins that played Flipper came from this exact origin. 

Makes you look at Flipper in a whole new way, doesn't it...

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